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公司名称: Yantai Chemins Instrument Co., Ltd. 
所在省份: 山东  
成立日期: 2011 
注册资金: 100万 - 250万 
员工数量: 51 - 100 人 
年销售额: 500万 - 1000万 
主要产品: CHEMINS INSTRUMENT CO., LTD. is mainly focused in
the development of industrial automation
instruments and sensors. The products are mainly
in following two categories:
* Water analysis instrument. (One-stop solution)
* Level instrument
公司简介: Our company supplies complete sets of level gauges, including traditional glass tube level gauges, magnetic float level gauges, capacitor level gauges, inductive level gauges, hydrostatic level gauges, diffusive silicon level gauges, magnetostrictive level gauges, ultrasonic level gauges and radar level gauges. Our company's analytical gauges include pH electrodes and transmitters, ORP electrodes and transmitters, conductivity electrodes and transmitters, and concentration electrodes and transmitters.
Yantai Chemins Instrument Co., Ltd. / 山东 / No.68 Puzhao Road, Zhaoyuan, Shandong, China (265400) / 电话:86-0535-2945018

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